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Information Box

Information Box

A temporary observation tower amid an under-construction area in Jerusalem showcasing the future of the city


Program Information box
Client Eden Company - Jerusalem Municipality
Location Jerusalem, Israel
Appointment 2017
Size 36 m²
Project Architect Oded Fux
Team Keshet Rosenblum
Collaborators Ran Wolf

As part of the vast renewal project at the entrance to Jerusalem, which includes massive changes to transportation and circulation in the area for the upcoming decade, we were commissioned to create a temporary information space amid this under construction area. The project was initiated by Eden, a company established by the Jerusalem Development Authority and the Jerusalem Municipality to promote the city center's renewal and revitalization program. Our design concept for an Information box, presented a new space that featured an easy to spot structure, set in an accessible location. In addition to providing information and guidance on the current redevelopment works, the structure would also serve as a landmark and access point to the city, becoming a friendly and easy to navigate space.

Infobox Site Final.jpg

But how can this small, temporary installation be visible in the wider area?


We designed a vertical high structure, which allowed it to be visible from afar, subsequently becoming a new viewpoint for the city. By adding an elevator the structure becomes a dynamic observation tower, with a minimal footprint – allowing for revitalization works to continue. Also, the scale of a tower enables the creation of a new icon, referencing back to the language of world fairs, inspiring optimism and showcasing the future as something fascinating.

The Information Box features a single, colossal elevator of approximately 65 m² that travels slowly up and down, offering views of Jerusalem’s historic past as well as it’s under construction modern future.

The proposed elevator will have a 6 meters diameter allowing for a school class to visit, city municipality board meetings to happen and a place where investors can watch the progress of the construction. This glass elevator has the ability to watch the area via AR glasses and visitors can see the history of what was there and what will be built in the future.

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